This is the post in which I point to the latest installment in the almost-infamous 2010 Derrida Debates without commenting on them:

  1. Derrida’s supposed textualism, by Adam Kotso at An und für sich
  2. Realism is de rigueur, by Levi Bryant at Larval Subjects

What, you didn’t believe me?

published August 16, 2010


  1. James Little

    I’m hoping for a peace treaty where you and Adam Kotsko decide to collaborate on a book about Bible Adventures for the NES.

  2. Robert Jackson

    I still maintain that this whole Derrida spat could have been avoided if Derrida actually became a professional footballer.

  3. skholiast

    I’d like to see a video game; say, DECONSTRUCTOR: Verbal Kombat.