Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System has been published and is now shipping from or your favorite bookseller.

The book, which I wrote in collaboration with Nick Montfort, is about the relationship between the hardware design of the Atari VCS, some of the games that were created for it, and those games’ influence on later titles and genres. You can read more about it here on, or on the MIT Press page for the title.

This is also a good time to remind my readers that Racing the Beam is the first title in the Platform Studies series Nick and I are editing. Are you interested in writing a book that looks deeply at the technical and creative aspects of a computer platform, whether a videogame system or a microcomputer or a programming language? Contact me!

published January 23, 2009


  1. nick

    Congratulations to us! I hope this will end up being a very meaningful contribution and will also be a good prompt to potential platform studies authors.