As promised, I’ve cleaned up and updated the Speculative Realism blog aggregator. Thanks to those of you who made suggestions in the comments or by contacting me directly. A few quick notes:

  1. I’ve added a link to the aggregator in the right sidebar, under “resources.” Not sure why I never had one.
  2. There is also a mobile device-optimized version of the aggregator, which you can access at For speculating on the go.
  3. I removed a number of dead/abandoned blogs. This is necessary for performance.
  4. I am always open to adding new blogs, so if you have one or know of one that should be included, just let me know.

I also re-optimized the whole infrastructure, so hopefully all the previous performance problems and glitches are now resolved.

published January 28, 2012


  1. Martin

    Ian, first of all, thanks for maintaining the speculative realism blog aggregator – I have been taking advantage of, and enjoying the resource for some time now.

    Second, I write about speculative realism/OOO at my own blog, and would love for it to be included on the aggregator.