Of the many exciting aspects of speculative realism and object-oriented ontology, one of them is the movement’s strong presence online, especially through blogs.

I realized that I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with all the SR-related blogs, so I created an aggregator that slurps them up, labels them, and puts them all in one convenient place.

Since this may be of use to many of you, I’ve made a page on this site that displays excerpts and links to original posts. You can also get an RSS feed for use in your favorite reader.

A list of initial sites I’ve included is below (based largely on Levi Bryant’s blogroll annotations). I’m sure I’ve missed some; let me know and I’ll drop them in.

Accursed Share, http://accursedshare.blogspot.com

Another Heidegger Blog, http://anotherheideggerblog.blogspot.com

ANTHEM, http://anthem-group.net

Complete Lies, http://buymeout.wordpress.com

Critical Animal, http://criticalanimal.blogspot.com

Fractal Ontology, http://fractalontology.wordpress.com

Hyper tiling, http://hypertiling.wordpress.com

Ian Bogost, http://www.bogost.com

K-Punk, http://k-punk.abstractdynamics.org

Larval Subjects, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com

Naught Thought, http://naughtthought.wordpress.com

Object Oriented Blogging, http://ooohub.blogspot.com

Object-Oriented Philosophy, http://doctorzamalek2.wordpress.com

Philosophy in a Time of Error, http://philosophyinatimeoferror.wordpress.com

Planomenology, planomenology.wordpress.com

Speculative Heresy, http://speculativeheresy.wordpress.com

Un-Canny Ontology, http://un-cannyontology.blogspot.com

Oh, and in case some of my philosophically inclined readers aren’t familiar with the reference in this post’s subheading, here’s a refresher.

published September 27, 2009


  1. Ian Bogost

    I’ve added Immanence to the list; it should update shortly.

  2. Paul Reid-Bowen

    You may want to include my blog Pagan Metaphysics, I’m not sure how it will develop but it is primariliy concerned with me thinking around Speculative Realism and Object Oriented Ontology.



  3. Ian Bogost

    Thanks Paul. I know I’ve read your blog before, and I certainly think there are frequent discussions of SR/OOO. I’ll add it in and the feed will update shortly.

  4. Michael Austin

    You should probably add Reza (http://blog.urbanomic.com/cyclon/) and Shaviro (http://www.shaviro.com/Blog/) to the list.

  5. Ian Bogost

    Michael, yes indeed, you are right. They’re both in my reader, not sure how I missed them.